The Dangers Of DIY Divorce
Whilst it may seem quick, easy and relatively cheap the repercussions can be more costly and time consuming than using a properly qualified family solicitor.
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You may have seen the news today that 28 couples have had their divorces rejected because an online divorce provider hasn't followed the correct processes.
There are a number of potential difficulties parties come across when using online divorce companies.
Whilst it may seem quick, easy and relatively cheap the repercussions can be more costly and time consuming than using a properly qualified family solicitor.
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Firstly, those people running the online divorce websites are not necessarily qualified family lawyers and know the technicalities of the law. Every individual divorce will have its own reasons for the breakdown of the marriage and the test for a divorce based on the ground of unreasonable behaviour is a subjective one, i.e. could that person be expected to cope with that behaviour. Therefore, every divorce petition is unique as it is based on its own facts. If similar particulars for the divorce petition are used for a number of divorces then the District Judge when considering whether to grant the application for decree nisi (the next stage of the divorce) can refuse it. Ultimately this means that the parties will have to amend the divorce petition and repeat the whole process.
There are currently significant waiting times in relation to the divorce process. What used to take 3-4 months for a straightforward divorce to be completed is now taking 6-9 months, depending on what court is dealing with it. To have to start the divorce again is going to significantly elongate the whole process.
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Furthermore, the majority, if not all, of the DIY online divorce websites do not address the issue of financial matters. If it is a short marriage with no or limited assets this may not matter so much but without a consent order that contains a clean break clause it leaves either party open to the other claiming something financially from them in the future. This, in turn, can result in significant legal fees and delay in their case being finalised.
All in all in order to save time and money it would be better to use a qualified family lawyer from the start.
If you are one of the 28 people affected, contact me and I will personally file your divorce free of charge.
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